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Academic, research and teaching units

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Centre for Advanced Scholarship in Management Education

Centre for Advanced Studies in Language and Communication

Centre for Advanced Studies in Language and Education

York Centre for the Americas (YCA)

Department of Archaeology

Department of Architecture and the Built Environment

Centre for Artefact and Materials Analysis

School of Arts and Creative Technologies

Centre for Applied Human Rights

Centre for Assuring Autonomy

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Biological Physical Sciences Institute (BPSI)

Department of Biology

York Biomedical Research Institute


Centre for Blood Research

School for Business and Society

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York Centre for Conflict and Security

Centre for Conservation Studies

Centre for Contemporary Business History and Society

Crime and Criminal Justice Network (CrimNet)


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Centre for Digital Heritage

Digital Creativity Labs

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Department of Education

Centre for Energy Efficient Materials

Department of Environment and Geography

York Environmental Sustainability Institute

Epidemiology and Cancer Statistics Group

ESRC Vulnerability and Policing Futures Research Centre

Centre for Evolution of Global Business and Institutions

Centre of Excellence in Mass Spectrometry

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Centre for Future Health

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York Graduate Research School

York Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence

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Centre for Health Economics

Centre for High Altitude Platform Applications

Centre for the History of Philosophy (CHiPHi)

Centre for Human Palaeoecology and Evolutionary Origins (PALAEO)

Humanities Research Centre

Centre for Hyperpolarisation in Magnetic Resonance

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Centre for Indigenous and Settler Colonial Studies

Interdisciplinary Centre for Narrative Studies (ICNS)

Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre

International Centre for Mental Health Social Research

International Pathway College

York Interdisciplinary Centre for Cyber Security

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Jack Birch Unit for Molecular Carcinogenesis

York JEOL Nanocentre

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Department of Language and Linguistic Science

Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity

Centre for Linguistic History and Diversity (CLHD)

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  • Institute for Trusted Data Science
  • York Interdisciplinary Centre for Cyber Security

Centre for Medieval Studies

Institute of Mental Health Research

Centre for Modern Studies

Morrell Centre for Legal and Political Philosophy

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School of Natural Sciences

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School of Philosophy, Politics and Economics

School of Physics, Engineering and Technology

York Plasma Institute

York Centre for Political Theory

Psychology in Education Research Centre

Public Health and Society

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York Centre for Quantum Technologies

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Institute of Railway Studies

Centre for Research on Education and Social Justice

Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies

Centre for Reviews and Dissemination

York Robotics Laboratory

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Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ Science Education Group

Social Policy East Asia Exchange

School of Social and Political Science

Research Centre for Social Science

Stockholm Environment Institute at York

York Structural Biology Laboratory

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York Trials Unit

Institute for Trusted Data Science

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Centre for Urban Research

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Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories

Centre for Women's Studies

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YCHP (Yorkshire Country House Partnership)